Beesnest - Personal Application Server

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Beesnest - Read This First.


You do not need to install anything in order to run the Beesnest. Just extract all the files into the same folder. Then you will need to add at least one user by typing
beesnest logins add <username> <password>
from your new Beesnest folder command window. Now you can register Beesnest as a Windows service by typing
beesnest install
But first try to run Beesnest as a console application by typing
beesnest run
(here it will be easier to see any first time use problems). You can set Beesnest to start automatically when Windows starts from "Control-Panel - Administrative-Tools - Services".

First changes to the configuration file

You should change the configuration to your needs before you run Beesnest. for start set the root of Default Host to your root folder, put few HTML files in there, and you should be able to see them from a web browser by typing http://localhost/your-file.html
Second step will be to set the port Beesnest will listen to, the default file name, and other aliases for this server if you have any.

Command Line Arguments:

You can run Beesnest as a console application if you use one of the following command line arguments after beesnest in a console window:

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